Watermelon is a summer fruit that contains less sugar. This cheap and delicious fruit is like a gift for summer on the one hand full of valuable ingredients as well. Both traditional and modern medical science recognize the importance of watermelon. Let’s find out what are ingredients in watermelon that are good for our body and also protect us from diseases.
Water and Precious Ingredients.
Watermelon contains up to 90% water and its soft and delicious pulp contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, Amino Acids, Lysozyme and Antioxidants. Surprisingly, it has very low calories. One cup of watermelon pieces has a total of 40 calories. The antioxidants in it prevent physical damage of the cellular level and prevent cancer. Amino acids are called protein bricks and the amino acids in it build the body. The red colour of watermelon is due to lycopene and this chemical protects the body from many types of cancer by keeping it healthy. It also protects the eyes.
Remember that enough quantity of nutrients in watermelon is very helpful for our health. It has zero fat content. Watermelon is high in fibre and carbohydrates. In addition, Iron contains a good amount of calcium.
Medical Benefits.
Regular use of watermelon ensures similar medical benefits.
Above mentioned prevents the breakdown of cells and repair the body at the molecular level. That is why it protects against heart disease.
Control of Blood Pressure.
Experiments conducted at Purdue University for a long time have shown that regular consumption of watermelon controls blood pressure and eating it can also keep blood cholesterol levels normal. On the other hand, it has a very good effect on the digestive system as a whole with a large amount of fibre.
Gift for Athletes.
Athletes and other sportsmen who work hard and eat watermelon before the competition can help a lot. A detailed study was conducted in 2013 in this regard, due to its properties, watermelon prevents muscle pain and muscle breakdown. It’s all caused by magical Amino Acids. That’s why young athletes must use watermelon as a part of their diet.