CAF-5 Ch-5 Consolidated accounts: Statements of comprehensive income

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Financial Accounting & Reporting-II Quiz offered for the ICAP CA students

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  1. Question 1 of 20
    1. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Abrish Limited acquired 80% of Shazim Limited on 1 July 2012. In the post-acquisition period Abrish
    Limited sold goods to Shazim Limited at a price of Rs. 12 million. These goods had cost Abrish
    Limited Rs. 9 million. During the year to 31 March 2013 Shazim Limited had sold Rs. 10 million (at
    cost to Shazim Limited) of these goods for Rs. 15 million.
    How will this affect group cost of sales in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income of
    Abrish Limited for the year ended 31 March 2013?




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  2. Question 2 of 20
    2. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    On 1 July 2017, Hareem Limited acquired 60% of the equity share capital of Maneha Limited and
    on that date made a Rs. 10 million loans to Maneha Limited at a rate of 8% per annum.
    What will be the effect on group retained earnings at the year-end date of 31 December 2017 when
    this intragroup transaction is cancelled?




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  3. Question 3 of 20
    3. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Maaz Limited acquired 80% of Hamza Limited on 1 January 2018. At the date of acquisition Hamza
    Limited had a building that had a fair value Rs. 22 million and a carrying amount of Rs. 20 million.
    The remaining useful life was 20 years. At the year-end date of 30 June 2018, the fair value of the
    the building was Rs. 23 million.
    Hamza Limited’s profit for the year to 30 June 2018 was Rs. 1.6 million which accrued evenly
    throughout the year.
    Maaz Limited measures non-controlling interest at fair value. On 30 June 2018, it estimated that
    goodwill in Hamza Limited was impaired by Rs. 500,000.
    What is the total comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interest on 30 June 2018?




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  4. Question 4 of 20
    4. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Asim Limited acquires 80% of the share capital of Arif Limited on 1 August 2016 and is preparing
    its group financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016.
    How will Arif Limited’s results be included in the group statement of comprehensive income?




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  5. Question 5 of 20
    5. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Which of the following would result in an unrealised profit within a group scenario?




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  6. Question 6 of 20
    6. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Jerry Limited acquired an 80% holding in Tom Limited on 1 April 2016. From 1 April 2016 to 31
    December 2016 Tom Limited sold goods to Jerry Limited for Rs. 4.3m at a mark-up of 10%. Jerry
    Limited’s inventory on 31 December 2016 included Rs. 2.2m of such inventory. The statements of
    comprehensive income for each entity for the year to 31 December 2016 showed the following in
    respect of the cost of sales:
    Jerry Limited Rs. 14.7m
    Tom Limited Rs. 11.6m
    What is the cost of sales figure to be shown in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income
    for the year to 31 December 2016?




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  7. Question 7 of 20
    7. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Sun Limited acquired a 60% holding in Moon Limited on 1 January 2016. At this date Moon Limited
    owned a building with a fair value Rs. 200 million in excess of its carrying amount, and a remaining
    life of 10 years.
    All depreciation is charged to operating expenses. Goodwill had been impaired by Rs. 55 million in
    the year to 31 December 2016. The balances on operating expenses for the year to 31 December
    2017 are shown below:
    Sun Limited Rs. 600 million
    Moon Limited Rs. 350 million

    What are consolidated operating expenses for the year to 31 December 2017?





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  8. Question 8 of 20
    8. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    A Limited acquired a 60% holding in B Limited on 1 July 2016. At this date, A Limited gave B Limited
    a Rs. 500 million 8% loan. The interest on the loan has been accounted for correctly in the individual
    financial statements.
    The totals for finance costs for the year to 31 December 2016 in the individual financial statements
    are shown below.
    A Limited Rs. 200 million
    B Limited Rs. 70 million
    What are consolidated finance costs for the year to 31 December 2016?




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  9. Question 9 of 20
    9. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Abeeha Limited has owned 80% of Seema Limited for many years. In the current year ended 30
    June 2013, Abeeha Limited has reported total revenues of Rs. 5.5 million, and Seema Limited of
    Rs. 2.1 million. Abeeha Limited has sold goods to Seema Limited during the year with a total value
    of Rs. 1 million, earning a margin of 20%. Half of these goods remain in year-end inventories.
    What is the consolidated revenue figure for the Abeeha group for the year ended 30 June 2013?




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  10. Question 10 of 20
    10. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    On 1 January 2014, Venice Limited acquired 80% of the equity share capital of Greece Limited.
    Extracts of their statements of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 2014 are:
    Rs. 000 Rs. 000
    Revenue 64,600 38,000
    Cost of sales (51,200) (26,000)

    Sales from Venice Limited to Greece Limited throughout the year to 30 September 2014 had
    consistently been Rs. 800,000 per month. Venice Limited made a mark-up on the cost of 25% on these
    Greece Limited had Rs. 1.5 million of these goods in inventory as of 30 September 2014.
    What would be the cost of sales in Venice Limited’s consolidated statement of comprehensive
    income for the year ended 30 September 2014?




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  11. Question 11 of 20
    11. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Haris Limited has owned a 90% subsidiary Faris Limited for many years, but then purchased a 75%
    subsidiary Suria Limited halfway through this year. The revenue for each company is as follows:
    Haris Limited Rs. 150 million
    Faris Limited Rs. 135 million
    Suria Limited Rs. 120 million
    During the year, Faris Limited sold goods to Haris Limited for Rs. 30 million. These items were then
    sold outside of the group by Haris Limited just before the end of the year.
    What is the consolidated revenue figure for the year?




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  12. Question 12 of 20
    12. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Halim Limited owns 55% of Namal Limited. In 2018 Namal Limited made a profit after tax of Rs. 72
    million. During the year Halim Limited sold goods costing Rs. 36 million to Namal Limited at a markup
    of 40%. Two-thirds of these goods had been sold outside of the group by the year-end.
    Calculate the non-controlling interest to be shown in the consolidated statement of comprehensive
    income for 2018.




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  13. Question 13 of 20
    13. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Two years ago, Burhan Limited purchased 60% of Hussain Limited and 10% of Meerab Limited.
    Burhan Limited is not able to exert significant influence over its investment in Meerab Limited.
    Revenue for the three companies for the year to 30th June 2010 was:
    Burhan Limited
    Rs. million
    Hussain Limited
    Rs. million
    Meerab Limited
    Rs. million
    Revenue 180 144 108
    The group revenue in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income is:




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  14. Question 14 of 20
    14. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Hareem Limited and its subsidiary Maneha Limited have the following results for the year 2014.
    Hareem Limited                    Maneha Limited

    Rs. million                              Rs. million

    Revenue                            900                                           450
    Cost of sales                     450                                            234
    Gross profits                    450                                            216
    During the year, Hareem Limited sold goods to Maneha Limited for Rs. 90 million making a profit of
    Rs. 18 million.
    None of these goods remains in inventories at the year-end.
    What will be shown as revenue and gross profit in the 2014 consolidated Statement of
    comprehensive income?




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  15. Question 15 of 20
    15. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Bilal Limited sells inventory costing Rs. 30 million to his subsidiary Sohail Limited for Rs. 45 million.
    By the end of the year, Sohail Limited has just half of this inventory remaining.
    If the sales of the two companies were: Rs. 150 million and Rs. 120 million respectively and the
    cost of sales were Rs. 75 million and Rs. 60 million calculate the consolidated revenue and gross
    profit for the year.




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  16. Question 16 of 20
    16. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Abrar Limited acquired 60% of Haq Limited on 1 March 2019. In September 2019 Abrar Limited
    sold Rs. 46 million worth of goods to Haq Limited. Abrar Limited applies a 30% mark-up to all its
    sales. 25% of these goods were still held in inventory by Haq Limited at the end of the year.
    An extract from the draft statements of profit or loss of Abrar Limited and Haq Limited at 31
    December 2019 is:
    Abrar Limited Haq Limited
    Rs. million Rs. million
    Revenue 955 421.5
    Cost of sales (407.3) (214.6)
    Gross profit 547.7 206.9
    All revenue and costs arise evenly throughout the year.
    What will be shown as gross profit in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income of Abrar
    Limited for the year ended 31 December 2019?




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  17. Question 17 of 20
    17. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Shahzad Limited acquired 80% of Roy Limited on 1 June 2011. Sales from Roy Limited to Shahzad
    Limited throughout the year ended 30 September 2011 was consistently Rs. 1 million per month.
    Roy Limited made a mark-up on the cost of 25% on these sales. On 30 September 2011 Shahzad
    Limited was holding Rs. 2 million inventory that had been supplied by Roy Limited in the post-acquisition
    By how much will the unrealised profit decrease the profit attributable to the non-controlling interest
    for the year ended 30 September 2011?




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  18. Question 18 of 20
    18. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Akbar Limited has owned 70% of Hamayuon Limited for many years. It also holds an Rs. 5 million
    8% loan note from Hamayuon Limited. One of Hamayuon Limited’s non-current assets has suffered
    an impairment of Rs. 50,000 during the year. There is a balance in the revaluation surplus of
    Hamayuon Limited of Rs. 30,000 in respect of this asset. The impairment loss has not yet been
    The entity financial statements of Hamayuon Limited show a profit for the year of Rs. 1.3 million.
    What is the amount attributable to the non-controlling interests in the consolidated statement of
    profit or loss?




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  19. Question 19 of 20
    19. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    The following figures relate to Bushra Limited and its subsidiary Ansari Limited for the year ended
    31 December 2015.
    During the year Bushra Limited sold goods to Ansari Limited for Rs. 20 million making a profit of
    Rs.5 million. These goods were all sold by Ansari Limited before the year-end.
    What is the amount for total revenue in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for
    Bushra Limited for the year ended 31 December 2015?




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  20. Question 20 of 20
    20. Question
    1 points
    Category: CAF-5

    Fahad Limited Ltd acquired 80% of the ordinary shares of Mustufa Limited on 31 December 2014
    when Mustufa Limited’s retained earnings were Rs. 20 million. On 31st December 2015, Mustufa
    Limited’s retained earnings stood at Rs. 25 million. Neither companies pay dividends or have made
    any other reserve transfers.
    Calculate the non-controlling interest in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for
    the year ended 31st December 2015.




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